(A3,3) Upload File
(A3,3) Upload File
Uploading Files
Important: If you receive an error message when uploading a file, please check that your file(s) do not exceed the file size limits and/or dimensions.
- Click the Upload File icon to open the Upload File subpage.
To upload a file,
- Drag and drop a file into the box; or
Click the box and select a file through the file manager.
Click Upload when done.
- In the SLS, Media Objects are grouped into the following categories, each with its respective file size limits:
If the file is valid, it will be uploaded and scanned for viruses.
- The virus scan will take longer if the file size is large.
- To view Augmented Reality files, a separate software may be required.
- When the file is successfully uploaded, the Media Object will be added to your response.
Type of File | File Extensions | Individual File Size Limit | Mass File Size Limit |
Documents | docx/xlsx/pptx/pdf/odt/ods/ odp/odg/odf/key/pps/pages/ numbers | 50 MB | 50 MB |
Images (Up to 5000 pixels) | jpg/jpeg/gif/png/svg | 10 MB | 10 MB |
Audio files | mp3/ogg/webm/mpa/wav/wma/ m4a | 50 MB | 50 MB |
Video | mp4/m4v/ogv/avi/mov/mpg /mpeg/wmv/webm | 500 MB | 500 MB |
HTML5 Packages | zip | 500 MB | 2 GB |
ZIP Packages | zip | 500 MB | 2 GB |
Augmented Reality | usdz | 500 MB | 500 MB |
Text | txt | 500 MB | 500 MB |
Scratch | sb2/sb3 | 500 MB | 500 MB |
Sketchup | skp | 500 MB | 500 MB |
Uploading Media Objects from an iOS Device
- Uploads via iOS devices are supported.
- However, if you encounter any errors, please ensure that you are uploading files from the Photo Library, Take Photo or Video, or Browse from Files.
Uploading Media Objects from an Android Device
- Uploads via Android devices are supported.
- However, if you encounter any errors, please ensure that you are uploading files from the Phone Directory.
- While rare, Android users might encounter problems when uploading files directly from shortcut links such as Picture, Video and Recent.