(B1,x) Highlight and Annotate in Teacher's Copy of Assignment (Enhanced)
(B1,x) Highlight and Annotate in Teacher's Copy of Assignment (Enhanced)
Create Annotations (Highlights)
After you have assigned a Module to students, you are able to make annotations (highlights) in your own copy of the Assignment.
Note: Annotations can only be done in the teacher view. Your students are not able to view these annotations.
- In an Assignment, select an Activity from the Activity List shown on the left by clicking an Activity icon (
). Alternatively, you can click the Expand Activity List icon
to view the Activity titles.
- If there are Sections in the Assignment, select the Section icon
to view the list of Activities within. To select Activities in a different Section, click the respective Section icons. Alternatively, click the Expand Activity List icon to view the full list of Sections.
- Use your cursor to highlight any text. The highlight colours will appear automatically. It is also possible to create multiple overlapping highlights.
To highlight a text without leaving a Note, select the Highlight icon
. To leave a Note, select Create Note icon
You may also add annotations to images by clicking the Add Note to Image icon below the image and tapping the image to select the area to place the annotation indicator.
- From Release 2 (Nov 2024), you may also add annotations to audio and video files by clicking the Create Note icon
A text box will appear for you to type in your annotation.
- You may insert mathematical or chemical equations, include emoticons, a drawing or upload a file or audio recording..
You may also add Keyword Tags in your Annotation. This will help to improve searchability.
Once you are done, click Save.
Annotations will be visible in the Annotations Drawer, which will be closed by default. Click the Notepad icon
to Expand/Hide the Annotations Drawer.
If there are annotations to multiple components of the module, users can choose to collapse or expand all annotations.
Click on the Annotation card to view the corresponding highlighted component in the activity or module.
For activities or quizzes with multiple pages, the annotations will be divided by pages in the annotation drawer.
To view the annotations, click on the respective pages. Clicking on the Annotation cards will bring you to the respective page of the quiz or activity.

Create Notes
To add a Note inside an Activity, click the Notepad icon to Create Note. This note will appear before the Annotations in an Activity.
Editing and Deleting Annotation
You may edit each Annotation from the Annotations Drawer by opening the Overflow (3-dot icon) and selecting the following options:
- Edit
- Delete
- Comment On/Off
You can also see the number of Comments beside the Comments icon and click the Comments icon to view the Annotation and add/view Comments.