(B2) Embed Whitelisted Websites
(B2) Embed Whitelisted Websites
To identify the newly whitelisted websites, press Ctrl+F and type "NEW!" in the search bar.
Schools are advised to be mindful of the latest age advisories for whitelisted sites. Users can check the website description for age advisories on the listed sites in SLS External Resources by clicking on the View Details icon .
When using sites with AI affordances, schools should refer to the MOE AIEd Ethics Framework for comprehensive guidelines.
- If you would like SLS to consider a website for whitelisting, please submit a request through the Website Whitelisting Form.
- If you are unable to embed a website, the website may have been removed from whitelisting. Alternatively, you may email us at helpdesk@sls.ufinity.com.
Whitelisted Websites and URLs (Using Site URL)
To embed a whitelisted website using site URL:
- In Module Editor page, hover over Text/Media found within the Component Bar and select Website.
- On the Embed Website subpage, select the radio button side Enter URL or Enter Code.
- Alternatively, click Choose From Approved Websites to select a whitelisted website. Click the Website card, followed by Choose to proceed.
- The URL or Code would be displaced in the text box.
- You can adjust the Height and Width (in pixel) for the whitelisted website display.
- Click Save to confirm.
Note: Search in the tables below to determine if a whitelisted website can be embedded via URL or Code.
Name of Website | Category | Whitelisted URL(s) |
360 Stories | Virtual Tour Tool | https://360stories.com |
Abcya | Learning Games Resource | https://www.abcya.com |
Access Maths | Math Activity Resource | https://www.accessmaths.co.uk |
AI Singapore | Resource site | https://learn.aisingapore.org |
Animated Knots | Interactive Knot Tying Tool | https://www.animatedknots.com |
Apronus | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.apronus.com |
Armored Penguin | English Language Tools | https://www.armoredpenguin.com |
Art Gallery of New South Wales | Art Resource Website | https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/collection |
Baamboozle | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.baamboozle.com |
Bandlab | Audio Resources | https://www.bandlab.com |
BeInternetAwesome | Resource site | https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com |
Bilibili | Video Resource Site | https://www.bilibili.com |
Bingo Baker | Online Bingo Maker | https://bingobaker.com |
Blooket | Gamification | https://www.blooket.com |
Bookcreator | Book Creator Tool | https://read.bookcreator.com |
Bouncy Balls | Music Tool | https://bouncyballs.org |
Braingle | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.braingle.com |
Braining Camp | Math Resources |
https://www.brainingcamp.com |
British Museum | Art Resource Website | https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com |
Cambridge Dictionary | Dictionary | https://dictionary.cambridge.org |
Cathoven | AI Tool | https://nexthub.cathoven.com |
Channel News Asia, Berita, Seithi | Online News |
https://berita.mediacorp.sg https://schools.beritaharian.sg https://schools.tamilmurasu.com.sg https://www.8world.com https://www.channelnewsasia.com https://seithi.mediacorp.sg |
Checkfirst | Eligibility Checker | https://www.checkfirst.gov.sg |
Chem Not Cheem | Chemistry Resources | https://chemnotcheem.com |
Chemistry WebAR | Augmented Reality Tool |
https://jacksonkoh8.github.io |
Chrome Music Lab | Music Tool | https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com |
Class Tools | Educational Tools and Resources | https://classtools.net |
Classkick | Integrated Teaching Tool | https://app.classkick.com |
ClassPad | Math Tool | https://classpad.net |
ClassPoint | Interactive Quiz Tool | https://www.classpoint.app |
CNN | News Resources | https://edition.cnn.com |
CodeCheck | Coding Platform | https://codecheck.io |
Coggle | Mind Mapping Tool |
https://embed.coggle.it |
Compadre | Physics Resources | https://www.compadre.org |
Coolmath4kids | Math Resources | https://www.coolmath4kids.com |
Craiyon | AI Tool | https://www.craiyon.com |
DCACLab | Simulations | https://dcaclab.com |
Developers | Module Tool for Experiments and Simulations | https://developers.google.com |
Digital Worlds Research | Digital Publications and Tools | https://research.dwi.ufl.edu |
Dr. Musik | Music Tool | https://www.doctormusik.com |
E Reading Games | English Tools | https://ereadinggames.com |
Edition | News and Resource Site | https://edition.cnn.com |
Educaplay | Educational Tools | https://www.educaplay.com |
Educandy | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.educandy.com |
Education | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.education.com |
Elementari | Coding Platform | https://www.elementari.com |
Epic NEW! | Digital Library | https://getepic.com |
European Environment Agency | Resource site | https://www.eea.europa.eu |
Experiments with Google | Module Tool for Experiments and Simulations | https://experiments.withgoogle.com |
Explain Everything | Collaboration Tool |
https://drive.explaineverything.com https://whiteboard.explaineverything.com |
Ezhishi | Chinese Languare Resources and Tools | https://www.ezhishi.net |
Factile | Interactive Content | https://www.playfactile.com |
Falstad | Simulations | https://www.falstad.com/circuit |
Flip | Video Discussion Tool | https://flip.com |
Flipbookpdf | Flipbook Tool | https://www.flipbookpdf.net |
Flippity | Interactive Content | https://www.flippity.net |
Floop | Module Tool for Feedback | https://www.floopedu.com |
Flourish Studio | Data Visualisation Tool | https://public.flourish.studio |
Footprints-Science | Science Resources and Tools | https://www.footprints-science.co.uk |
Frame | Virtual Reality Tool | https://framevr.io |
Funbrain | Learning Games Resource | https://www.funbrain.com |
Gather | Virtual Reality Tool | https://app.gather.town |
Google Gemini | AI Chatbot | https://gemini.google.com |
Gimkit | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.gimkit.com |
Glowscript | 3D Animations using VPython | https://www.glowscript.org |
Google Arts & Culture | Art Resource Website | https://artsandculture.google.com |
Grammarly | AI Tool | https://www.grammarly.com |
Guggenheim Museum | Art Resource Website | https://www.guggenheim.org/collection-online |
Guitar Flash 3 | Music Tool | https://guitarflash3.com |
Heyzine | Flipbook Generator Tool | https://heyzine.com |
HighlightsKids | Educational Games and Tools | https://highlightskids.com |
Housing & Development Board | Resource site | https://www.hdb.gov.sg |
Human Biodigital | Science and Biology Tools | https://human.biodigital.com |
ICT Games | Math and English Tools | https://www.ictgames.com |
iNaturalist | STEM Tools | https://inaturalist.org |
International Labour Organisation | Resource site | https://www.ilo.org |
International Monetary Fund | Resource site | https://www.imf.org |
IN CCE | News Resource Site for CCE | https://cce.straitstimes.com |
Inter-Religious Organisation Singapore | Resource site | https://www.iro.sg |
Iorad | Video Tool for Information and Sceen Capture | https://www.iorad.com |
Jamboard | Online Whiteboard | https://jamboard.google.com |
Javalab | Simulation Resource Site | https://javalab.org/en |
Jeopardy Labs | Jeopardy Word Game | https://jeopardylabs.com |
Kahoot | Survey/Quiz Tool |
https://kahoot.com https://kahoot.it https://play.kahoot.it |
Khan Academy | Learning Resources | https://www.khanacademy.org |
Kialo Edu | Module Tool for Critical Thinking | https://www.kialo-edu.com |
Learn.Genetics | Science Simulation Tool | https://learn.genetics.utah.edu |
Learning Circuits | Simulations | https://learningcircuits.co.uk |
Makecode | Coding Platform | https://arcade.makecode.com |
Mathigon | Math Tool | https://mathigon.org |
Mathplayground | Math Resources | https://mathplayground.com |
MCQ Tool | Quiz Tool | https://www.mcqtool.com |
MeListen | Music Stream and Podcast Resources | https://www.melisten.sg |
Mentimeter | Survey/Quiz Tool |
https://www.mentimeter.com/embed https://www.menti.com |
Minipicbooks | Book Resource | https://www.minipicbooks.com |
Ministry of Culture in Taiwan | Resource site | https://children.moc.gov.tw |
Ministry of Defence | Resource site | https://www.mindef.gov.sg |
Ministry of Home Affairs | Resource site | https://www.mha.gov.sg |
Miro | Online Whiteboard | https://miro.com |
Mizou | AI Chatbot | https://mizou.com |
Momento360 | Interactive Media | https://momento360.com |
Monsters of the Debt | Game | https://monsters-of-the-debt.appspot.com |
Museum of Modern Art | Art Resource Website | https://www.moma.org/collection |
Musicators | Music Tool | https://musicators.com |
Musicca | Music Tool | https://www.musicca.com |
MyActiveSG | Resource site | https://www.activesgcircle.gov.sg |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics | Math Tools | https://www.nctm.org |
National Gallery | Art Resource Website | https://nationalgallery.spydus.com.sg |
National Gallery UK | Art Resource Website | https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/visiting/virtual-tours |
NationalGeographic | Resource site | https://nationalgeographic.com |
National Geographic Kids | Learning Resources | https://kids.nationalgeographic.com |
National Portrait Gallery UK | Art Resource Website | https://www.npg.org.uk/collections |
National Theatre of Japan | Drama Resources | https://www2.ntj.jac.go.jp/unesco/kabuki/en |
Natural Readers | Text to Speech and Special Needs Website | https://www.naturalreaders.com |
Nature Society (Singapore) | Resource site | https://www.nss.org.sg |
NUS Museum | Art Resource Website | https://museum.nus.edu.sg/explore/collections |
Online Pianist | Music Tools | https://www.onlinepianist.com |
Opal2 | Learning Resources | https://opal2.moe.edu.sg |
Open Source Physics @ Singapore | Simulations | https://iwant2study.org |
Opinion Stage | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://www.opinionstage.com |
Parlay | Collaboration Tool | https://parlayideas.com |
Pear Deck | Integrated Teaching Tool | https://app.peardeck.com |
Perplexity AI | AI Chatbot | https://www.perplexity.ai |
Perusall | Reading and Notes Tool | https://app.perusall.com |
Physlets | Physics Resources and Tools |
https://tracker.physlets.org/trackerJS |
Pigeonhole | Poll | https://pigeonhole.at |
Pin It | Learn Chinese Characters Tool | https://pinit-nus.com |
Pixlr | AI Tool |
https://pixlr.com/e |
Playxylo | Music Tool | https://playxylo.com |
PTable | Interactive Periodic Table | https://ptable.com |
Puzzel | Puzzle Tool | https://puzzel.org |
Quizizz | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://quizizz.com |
Quizlet | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://quizlet.com |
RapidTables | STEM Tools | https://www.rapidtables.com |
Rolljak | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://app.rolljak.com |
Roots | Teaching Resource | https://www.roots.gov.sg |
Saatchi Gallery | Art Resource Website | https://saatchigallery.com |
SchoolAI | AI Chatbot | https://app.schoolai.com |
Science Kids | Science Resources | https://www.sciencekids.co.nz |
Scootle | Teaching Resource | https://www.scootle.edu.au |
Scratchwork | Collaboration Tool | https://app.scratchwork.io |
Screen Experiments | Science Tool | https://virtual.edu.rsc.org |
SeeSaw | Activity Library |
https://app.seesaw.me |
Semantris | Word Association Game | https://research.google.com/semantris |
Sembcorp | Virtual Tour Tool | https://www.sembcorpenergy.com.sg/tengeh-virtual-tour |
Seussville | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.seussville.com |
Showme | Teaching Resource | https://www.showme.com |
Singapore Art Museum | Art Resource Website | https://www.singaporeartmuseum.sg/about/our-collection |
Singapore Civil Defence Force | Resource site | https://www.scdf.gov.sg |
Singapore Police Force | Resource site | https://www.police.gov.sg |
SG101 | Resource site | https://www.sg101.gov.sg |
SLS Info-Site | Learning Resources | https://www.learning.moe.edu.sg |
Socrative | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://b.socrative.com |
Songcraft | Music Tools | https://songcraft.io |
Soundtrap | Audio Resources | https://www.soundtrap.com |
Spatial | Virtual Reality Tool | https://www.spatial.io |
Spelling City | Spelling Game | https://www.spellingcity.com |
SplashLearn | Math Resources | https://www.splashlearn.com |
Stable Diffusion | AI Tool | https://stablediffusionweb.com |
Storybird | Writing Tool | https://storybird.com |
StoryJumper | Story Authoring Tool | https://www.storyjumper.com |
Storyline Online | Video Resource Site | https://storylineonline.net |
Super Teacher Tools | Interactive Content | https://www.superteachertools.us |
Switch Zoo | Learning Games | https://switchzoo.com |
Tableau | Data Visualisation Tool | https://public.tableau.com |
Tate | Art Resource Website | https://www.tate.org.uk |
Teachable | Module Tool for Experiments and Simulations | https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com |
TeacherTube | Video Resource Site | https://www.teachertube.com |
The Game Gal | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.thegamegal.com |
The Music Lab | Music Tools | https://www.themusiclab.org |
The Physics Classroom | Simulations | https://www.physicsclassroom.com |
The Word Search | Educational Games and Tools | https://thewordsearch.com |
Theasys | Virtual Tour Tool | https://www.theasys.io |
Tigtagworld | Video Resource Site | https://www.tigtagworld.com |
Timelinely | Video Context Tool | https://www.timeline.ly |
Tinkercad | Coding Platform | https://www.tinkercad.com |
TodayOnline | News and Resource Site | https://www.todayonline.com |
Topmarks | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.topmarks.co.uk |
Topographic Maps | Map Tool | https://en-us.topographic-map.com |
Toy Theater | Educational Games and Tools | https://toytheater.com |
Transum | Math Resources | https://www.transum.org |
Tricider | Decision Making Tool | https://www.tricider.com |
TurtleDiary | Educational Games and Tools | https://www.turtlediary.com |
Twine | Interactive Story Tool | https://twinery.org |
Typing.com | Typing Tool | https://www.typing.com |
Typing Club App | Touch Typing |
https://bedokgreenpri.typingclub.com |
Unite | English Literacy Tool | https://www.uniteforliteracy.com |
Vartel Edu | Augmented Reality Tool | https://www.varteledu.com/tcc4/index.html |
Verso | Collaboration Tool |
https://v2.versoapp.com |
Virtual Musical Instruments | Music Tools | https://www.virtualmusicalinstruments.com |
Walkthru360 | Virtual Environment Tool | https://walkthru360.com |
Walter-Fendt | STEM Tools | https://www.walter-fendt.de |
Webex Teams | Video Conferencing Tool | https://teams.webex.com |
Wheel of Names | Random Name Selector Tool | https://wheelofnames.com |
Whiteboard | Online Whiteboard | https://whiteboard.fi |
Wizer | Worksheet Design Tool | https://app.wizer.me |
Wordclouds | Wordcloud Generator Tool | https://www.wordclouds.com |
Wordwall | Customised Resource Creation |
https://www.wordwall.net |
Ximalaya | Audio Resources | https://www.ximalaya.com |
Yenka | STEM Resources | https://www.yenka.com |
Young Scientist | STEM Resources | https://youngscientist.sscglobal.com.sg |
ZBSchools | News and Resource Site |
https://www.zbschools.sg |
Whitelisted Websites and URLs (Using Embed Code)
To embed a whitelisted website using embed code:
In Module Editor, click Add Component and select the component of your choice.
In the Rich Text Editor, click the Embed icon and select the Enter code to embed radio button.
Insert the URL in the Embed Subpage and click the Add button.
The embedded website will be shown in the Component box.
Click Save when done.
Name of Website | Category | Whitelisted URL(s) |
Academo | Educational Tools | https://academo.org |
ArcGIS | Map Tool |
https://moe-edugis.maps.arcgis.com/apps https://storymaps.arcgis.com https://survey123.arcgis.com |
Arduino | Coding Platform | https://app.arduino.cc/sketches |
Artsteps | Virtual Reality Tool | https://www.artsteps.com |
Audioboom | Audio Resources | https://audioboom.com |
Bandlab | Audio Resources | https://www.bandlab.com |
Canva | Presentation Tool | https://www.canva.com |
CK12 Simulations | Simulations |
https://flexbooks.ck12.org/cbook https://interactives.ck12.org |
Data.gov.sg | Public Data on Singapore | https://data.gov.sg |
Deck.Toys | Integrated Teaching Tool | https://deck.toys |
Desmos | Math Tool |
https://learn.desmos.com https://student.desmos.com https://teacher.desmos.com |
Dialogflow | Chatbot | https://console.dialogflow.com |
Edpuzzle | Interactive Video Tool | https://edpuzzle.com |
Eko | Interactive Film Tool | https://video.eko.com |
Figma | Collaboration Tool | https://www.figma.com |
Flip | Video Discussion Tool |
https://flip.com |
Flipsnack | Flipbook Tool | https://cdn.flipsnack.com |
Forms.app | Form Builder Tool | https://my.forms.app |
FormSG | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://form.gov.sg |
Games to Learn English | English Resource | https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com |
Gamma | Presentation Tool | https://gamma.app |
Gapminder | Data Visualisation Tool | https://www.gapminder.org |
Genially | Content Authoring Tool |
https://view.genially.com |
GeoGebra | Math Tool |
https://www.geogebra.org |
Google Docs | Productivity Tool |
https://docs.google.com/document |
Google Drawings | Productivity Tool | https://docs.google.com/drawings |
Google Drive | Productivity Tool |
https://drive.google.com/embeddedfolderview?id= |
Google Forms | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://docs.google.com/forms |
Google Maps | Map Tool | https://www.google.com/maps |
Google Sheets | Productivity Tool | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets |
Google Slides | Presentation Tool | https://docs.google.com/presentation |
H5P | Interactive Content Authoring Tool |
https://ri-etd.h5p.com |
HeyHi | Worksheet and Meeting Tool | https://www.heyhi.sg |
Jigsaw Planet | Jigsaw Tool | https://www.jigsawplanet.com |
Jotform | Form Builder Tool |
https://www.jotform.com |
Kami | Collaboration Tool | https://kami.app |
MeWatch | News and Video Resource Site |
https://player.mewatch.sg |
Microsoft Excel / Powerpoint / Word / Onedrive | Productivity Tool | https://onedrive.live.com |
Microsoft Forms | Forms Tool | https://forms.office.com |
Microsoft MakeCode | Coding Platform | https://makecode.microbit.org |
Microsoft Sway | Productivity Tool | https://sway.office.com |
Mindmeister | Mindmap Tool | https://www.mindmeister.com |
Molecular Workbench | Simulations |
https://lab.concord.org |
Mural | Digital Whiteboard | https://app.mural.co |
Nearpod | Integrated Teaching Tool |
https://nearpod.com/student |
Open Source Physics @ Singapore | Simulations | https://iwant2study.org |
Padlet | Collaboration Tool |
(To whitelist your school's padlet.org site, please submit a request through the Website Whitelisting Form.) https://acjc.padlet.org https://acsbr.padlet.org https://aitongschool3.padlet.org https://anchorgreen.padlet.org https://andersonps.padlet.org https://asrjc.padlet.org https://assumptionenglish.padlet.org https://bartleysecondaryschool.padlet.org https://beattysecondary.padlet.org https://bedokgreenprimarysch.padlet.org https://bedoksouthsec.padlet.org https://bendemeersecondary.padlet.org https://bgss.padlet.org https://broadricksec.padlet.org https://bukitpanjangprimary.padlet.org https://bvss.padlet.org https://canberrasecondary.padlet.org https://cantonmentprimary.padlet.org https://casuarinaprimaryschool.padlet.org https://changkatchangisec.padlet.org https://chijstjosephsconvent.padlet.org https://chr.padlet.org https://corporationpri.padlet.org https://crescentgirls.padlet.org https://ctss.padlet.org https://damaisecondary.padlet.org https://dlsssg.padlet.org https://dmps.padlet.org https://dunmanhigh.padlet.org https://egps.padlet.org https://ejc.padlet.org https://eunospri.padlet.org https://ferngreenpri.padlet.org https://frontierps.padlet.org https://gmspri.padlet.org https://greendalesecondary.padlet.org https://greenridgesecondary.padlet.org https://henryparkprimary.padlet.org https://hsc7031.padlet.org https://huaminprimarype.padlet.org https://huayi.padlet.org https://hwachong.padlet.org https://hyss.padlet.org https://jurongsecondaryschool.padlet.org https://jurongwestsec.padlet.org https://jvs.padlet.org https://jwps.padlet.org https://kcpss.padlet.org https://kcs.padlet.org https://kemingprimaryschool.padlet.org https://kentridgesecondary.padlet.org https://mayflowerprimary.padlet.org https://meetohschool.padlet.org https://mfss.padlet.org https://mgss.padlet.org https://moelc.padlet.org https://msh.padlet.org https://nbss.padlet.org https://ncpri.padlet.org https://nie.padlet.org https://northlandsec.padlet.org https://northviewprimaryschool.padlet.org https://nygh.padlet.org https://onetkps.padlet.org https://opss.padlet.org https://pasirrissec.padlet.org https://pathlightsingapore.padlet.org https://pcss.padlet.org https://plmgsp.padlet.org https://punggolpri.padlet.org https://punggolsecschool.padlet.org https://rafflesgirlsschool.padlet.org https://riedu.padlet.org https://riversidepri.padlet.org https://riversidesec.padlet.org https://rivervalleyps.padlet.org https://sengkangsec.padlet.org https://sgss.padlet.orglearnin https://sst-sg.padlet.org https://stanthonyscanossiansec.padlet.org https://stmargaretspri.padlet.org https://stmargaretssecondary1.padlet.org https://swisscottagesecsg.padlet.org https://taonan.padlet.org https://taonanschool.padlet.org https://unityprimaryschool.padlet.org https://victoriaschool.padlet.org https://vjc.padlet.org https://waterwayprimary.padlet.org https://wdlss.padlet.org https://westgroveps.padlet.org https://westwoodpri.padlet.org https://woodgrove.padlet.org https://woodgroveps.padlet.org https://xingnanprimary.padlet.org https://xnpsict.padlet.org https://yijc.padlet.org https://yss.padlet.org https://yuanchingsec.padlet.org https://yyss.padlet.org https://zhenghuasecondary.padlet.org https://zhss.padlet.org |
Panopto | Video Resource Site | https://ri.ap.panopto.com |
PhET Simulations | Simulations | https://phet.colorado.edu |
Playposit | Interactive Video Tool | https://api.playposit.com |
Podbean | Audio Resources | https://www.podbean.com |
Poll Everywhere | Survey/Quiz Tool |
https://pollev.com https://embed.polleverywhere.com |
Powtoon | Video and Presentation Tool | https://www.powtoon.com |
Prezi | Presentation Tool | https://prezi.com |
Quizalize | Survey/Quiz Tool | https://player.quizalize.com |
Resource Watch | Map Tool |
https://resourcewatch.org/embed |
Scene VR | Virtual Reality Tool | https://uploads.knightlab.com |
Scratch | Coding Platform | https://scratch.mit.edu/projects |
Slido | Polling Tool |
https://wall.sli.do |
SoundCloud | Music Tool | https://soundcloud.com |
Stornaway.io | Interactive Storytelling Tool | https://player.stornaway.io |
TED Videos | Video Resources |
https://embed.ted.com/talks |
Thinglink | Interactive Content | https://www.thinglink.com |
Timeline | Interactive Content | https://cdn.knightlab.com |
Top Worksheets | Worksheet Design Tool | https://www.topworksheets.com |
Tynker | Coding Platform | https://www.tynker.com |
Trinket | Coding Platform | https://trinket.io |
Ventusky | Map Tool | https://www.ventusky.com |
Vidyard | Online Video Tool | https://share.vidyard.com |
Vimeo | Online Video Tool |
https://vimeo.com |
Wakelet | Resource Curation Tool | https://embed.wakelet.com |
Zoom | Video Conferencing Tool |
https://zoom.us |