Use SLS to set up, mark and give feedback on student work.
A. How to assess students?
B. How to assess students using Teacher-Marked Quizzes?
C. How to use automated feedback?
D. More about Quizzes and Assessments
E. Ideas for Teaching & Learning
F. Tech Tips for Teachers
- I can’t download student marks and responses in Heatmap. When I click on the incoming notification that the download is ready (this can take up to 10 to 15 minutes), nothing happens.
When I click to download a zipped resource, nothing happens.
For the questions above, you will need to ensure that your browser settings for the SLS site is set to “enable pop-ups” by going to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Site Settings. This is a known issue for Chrome and Safari browsers.
For more information, download the "Enable Pop-up" Guide.
I am not able to extract zipped files (e.g. student responses) that I have downloaded from SLS because of the length of the file names.
Try shortening the name of the zip file and also extracting it into the root drive (e.g. “D:/”).
Can a teacher provide feedback/mass feedback to questions in quizzes that are not Teacher-Marked Quizzes?
Yes, teachers are able to provide feedback to multiple students for a Free-Response, Audio-Response, and File-Submission question within an Activity, or a Quiz.
For more information, visit Add Teacher Comments.
When you set any quiz as a Team Quiz, all members of the same Activity Team will also receive the same feedback.
For more information, visit Create Teams.
However, teachers can award marks to multiple students for such question types in a Teacher-Marked Quiz only.
For more information, visit Mark a Teacher-Marked Quiz.
What are the affordances for teachers with Google Integration in SLS?
With Google Integration, teachers can seamlessly embed existing teaching resources into SLS, which will be pre-populated for individual students. Marking and providing feedback can be easily done through SLS as well. To view the overall class progress and submission, teachers may do so from the Monitor Assignment page. Marking of Google Files will have to be done individually.
For more information on Google Integration, visit About Google Integration.
For more information on marking on Google Files, visit Mark Google-Attached Files.
For more information on monitoring your students’ Assignment, visit Monitor Students’ Responses in an Assignment.
Can students retrieve their work on Google Apps easily if done in SLS?
Yes, they can open their work directly from the Assignment.
Does SLS have an exam/test mode?
SLS has a range of features that support assessment. One of them is the “Assessment” feature that can be used on SSOE2 ACAD device with ITD lock down mode.
- How can schools best prepare their students for e-School Based Assessment (e-SBA) in terms of processes to put in place to trial (e.g. as a class test) before the actual use of SLS for national examinations?
Schools can refer to the two emails sent by the English Language and Literature Branch (ELLB) in Nov 2022 and Humanities Branch (HUMB) in Jan 2023 regarding preparation for e-assessment. The emails were addressed to the respective subject HODs.
The SLS Office had conducted briefings on e-SBA at the Oct 2022 and Oct 2023 HOD/ICT meetings. The slides can be accessed on the MOE intranet - IT Education Programme for MOE (requires Intranet access).
Schools may also refer to Subject-Specific guides.
Schools are also advised to access the following documents in guiding the school to trial the processes prior to national examinations on the Intranet website. The information can be accessed within Briefing to HODs ICT (11 and 12 Oct 2022), Item 5. School based e-Assessment (e-SBA) in SLS.
- Can students edit their answers in SLS after they have submitted their response? Is there a plan for such a feature in the pipeline?
Currently, for standalone question components that are not in quizzes such as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Fill-in-the-Blanks, Click-and-Drop and Error-Editing, students are unable to edit their answers after they have submitted their responses.
For Free-Response Questions (FRQ) and Audio-Response Questions (ARQ), teachers can unsubmit students’ submission and then students can give another answer. You may refer to the following steps.
1. Go to the FRQ or ARQ in the assignment and click “View All Responses”.
2. Click on the name(s) of the student(s) whom the teacher wants to resubmit their answers.
3. The teacher can now see the ‘Unsubmit’ button below the question and he/she can click on it. The student(s) will then be able to give another answer.
For Interactive Thinking Tool (ITT) and Discussion, which are the interactive components, students can edit their responses even after they have submitted their responses or completed the entire assignment.
A workaround is to create question components in a Teacher-Marked Quiz. For more information on how teachers can unsubmit students' responses in such a quiz, visit Unsubmit Teacher-Marked Quizzes.
Alternatively, teachers can also enable students to attempt multiple tries under “Number of tries” to achieve the same objective as the default mode is one try. However, this is only possible for closed-question types (i.e. not for Free-Response Questions, Audio-Response Questions, and File Submission Questions.)
- For rubrics assessment in SLS, can teachers edit students' marks after marks have been awarded? How can teachers download the entire class's marks in Excel?
Students’ marks cannot be edited after they have been awarded for rubrics assessment.
You may click on the Monitor Icon, click on “Download Marks” at the top right corner to download a CSV file of students’ marks to individual questions and their aggregated marks in the assignment. You will receive a notification once the file is ready for download. You have to enable pop-ups on your browser for the download to happen.
- Can teachers print students' responses and the feedback given for e-assessment conducted on SLS FRQ?
The system currently does not support the printing of students' scripts for marking.
Teachers are encouraged to make use of the e-marking features such as commenting and use of rubrics with auto-computation of marks.
- What are the different ways to consolidate data gathered from the various assignments and use the data during the lesson?
Teachers may use Learning Progress to analyse students' data or Monitor Assignment to facilitate monitoring of students' responses and progress.
- How do schools apply for the ITD Lockdown account? How long does the process takes?
Schools can apply for ONE ITD Lockdown Account through their HOD/ICTs or ICT Associates/Managers by raising a Service Request via the SSOE Service Portal.
ONE Lockdown Account can be used by the whole cohort of students. This account will be available within 2-3 weeks of application, and will be valid for 12 weeks (3 months). Schools are advised to plan ahead and to put in the request early, where possible.
Schools are also advised to include in the Service Request, “This account is for e-SBA in SLS."
- Can I find out more about the "ITD Lockdown Account"?
The lockdown account is meant to prevent students from accessing
- external internet websites (except the SLS assessment because the e-SBA is conducted via SLS, and not MOE library and students’ MyDrive);
- browser-enabled language feedback assistant such as Grammarly plug-in; and
- other on-device applications such as MS Word and MS Excel.
With the lockdown account, students will not be able to surf the internet, access their own notes on the device or communicate with others. Students will also not be able to visit other parts of SLS e.g. MOE Library and students’ personal “My Drive”.
To create a lockdown environment, schools are advised to use the ITD Lockdown account with SSOE devices for e-assessment in schools. Especially for assessments of certain stakes (e.g. prelims, final exams), the lockdown account can be used together with SLS settings (i.e. teacher-marked quiz, activate both the assessment and access code feature).
As the National e-Examinations are conducted using SSOE Devices, it is recommended that e-SBA for subjects with National e-Examination are also taken on the SSOE Devices with ITD Lockdown Account. However, for e-SBA for subjects without National e-Examination, School Leaders have the autonomy to decide the modality of e-SBA, including whether it is taken using the PLDs. They should take into consideration the principles of fairness, validity and reliability when making these decisions.
- Is there a timer function in SLS that limits the time that students spend on a particular question/task, or on the assssment as a whole?
To use the timer function in quizzes, please refer to Quiz Settings.
As with normal assessment practices, the school may make use of a classroom clock along with the pause/resume button in SLS assignments to coordinate the starting and stopping time of the exams. This would facilitate students’ tracking of time during exams through the classroom clock.
Schools may also consider making use of the Access Code feature available in SLS (see links below) to coordinate the start time of the assessment.
For example, the Access Code can be announced/made known to candidates only at the starting time of the exam. At the end of the exam (based on the class clock), the assessment can be paused.
Click on these links for more information on Access Codes and Setting Assignments as Assessments.
- Do we need to obtain consent for students to upload their videos/audio clips to SLS for Teaching and Learning purposes?
No further consent is needed as it is deemed to be provided under Para 14 of the SLS Terms of Use