Use SLS to set learning activities to be done collaboratively by students.
A. How to use the Class Group Forum?
B. How to create Team Activities?
C. How can students collaborate in SLS?
D. How can teachers collaborate in SLS?
E. Ideas for Teaching & Learning
- (E1,i) Create Professional Learning Circles
- (E1,ii) Features for Math Learning
- (E1,iii) Jigsaw Activities for Teamwork
- (E1,iv) Move Existing Resources to SLS
- (E1,v) Manage In-Class Teaching more Effectively
- (E1,vi) Nurture Collaboration in Gamified Modules
- (E1,vii) Team Quiz + Google
- (E1,viii) Teams vs Subgroups
F. Tech Tips for Teachers
Can I share the URL to a particular Section (e.g. section B) with other teachers?
Yes, you are able to share the URL to a particular Section with other teachers. You can also add links to Sections within your Module.
If the Module is in My Drive, you will need to Share the Module with the other teacher before the teacher can access the Section URL.
If you are sharing a Section URL from a Module in MOE Library/Community Gallery, teachers will be able to access the Section via the Section URL.
Note: You cannot share a Section URL from MOE Library with students. The Section URL will redirect students to the cover page of the Module.
How can we modify the sharing permissions of the Google files for students?
These permissions will be automatically handled by SLS.
Once the teacher has unsubmitted a Team Quiz, can the team continue working on the same Google File? Can other teams give input?
Teams can continue to refine their answers in the Google File if the Team Quiz is in a Teacher-Marked Quiz. When the teacher unsubmits the Quiz, the team will be given editing permissions to the same Google File.
When a teacher releases a Teacher-Marked Quiz, students will no longer be able to edit the Google File. They will only be granting View-Only rights.
For more information, visit Unsubmit a Teacher-Marked Quiz.
Is it possible to select a student (i.e team leader) to submit a Team Quiz response?
For now, any student from the team can submit the Team Quiz response.
Will there be a forum feature in SLS for students to collaborate?
Yes, there already is! Within each Class Group is a Forum tab for collaboration. Teachers can create Discussion Topics and Polls. Students can also be granted permission to create Posts and Polls.
For more information on Class Group Forums, visit About the Forum
- Can there be a function to share folders in My Drive to other colleagues?
We discourage the sharing of large number of resources in SLS, or a single resource to a large number of users. Please consider setting up a Staff Class Group with the users you are sharing the resources with, and upload the resources into Class Group Resources. This allows the co-teachers in the group to download the specific resources they need directly, and work collaboratively with every other co-teacher in the Class Group on the resources (as if they were shared).
- If we want to use the Google Docs feature, do we still need to get the students to manually link their iCON in SLS?
Students can link any Gmail account (including personal ones) with SLS. They only need to do it once and can subsequently access Google Apps through SLS.
- Is there a word/character limit on students' ITT posts to facilitate peer commenting/assessment?
There is a 2000 character limit for ITT. Should the intention be for students to post longer responses, teachers may consider exploring other SLS features such as Creating a Discussion. While each post in a Discussion also has a 2000 character limit, students are able to submit more than one response. For longer responses, teachers can use a Free-Response Question instead.
- How does the Forum feature differ from the Discussion feature?
The Forum feature allows both teachers* and students to create polls and discussions on a diverse range of topics while the Discussion feature situated within a module activity typically focuses on the specific topic at hand only.
You may refer to the following links for more information about the Forum and Discussion features.
Note: Owner/Co-teacher needs to allow access for Observers and students to create Topics/Posts/Polls in Class Group Forum.
- How does the Discussion feature differ from the ITT?
- The Discussion feature allows students to view their peers' work before they create their own post, while the ITT requires students to submit their anwer before viewing their peers' work on an interaction board.
- The Discussion feature allows teachers to monitor student participation quantitatively (by the number of posts created by each student) and qualitatively (keywords) using the "search post" function while the ITT does not.
- The Discussion feature gives the option of turning off comments to posts while the ITT does not.
- Unlike the Discussion feature, teachers can prepopulate student's responses with sentence starters using the ITT.
- How can teachers monitor and share individual ITT responses within a team with the rest of the class?
Teachers can view both individual and team ITT responses from the Monitor Assignment page by clicking on the Activity icon where the ITT is placed. Alternatively, teachers can enter the Assignment, navigate to the ITT and click "View Class Submissions." For ITTs that are assigned to teams, teachers can toggle between "View all responses" or "View responses by team".
To allow students to view team ITT responses from other teams, teacher has to toggle to "View all responses".
- Can students annotate collaboratively on any features of SLS?
Students can only annotate and interact on Text/Media components or on question stems together in a Team Activity.
Teachers can include Tooltips in Team Activities for students to engage in Team discussions.